The quality of our meat begins with nurturing the soil. We make sure our pastures have a wide variety of forage. We then ensure the sheep receive the maximum benefit from this forage by grazing them on the paddocks at the optimum growth height; too tall and the nutrients are already breaking down and too short and the pasture will not bounce back as quickly after grazing. We size the paddocks so that sheep can graze for one week or less before we move them to a fresh pasture. This way, the sheep graze every plant, not just selecting their favorites. Sheep naturally ‘scatter’ manure (unlike large cow pies that need to be spread) so all of this organic matter going back into the soil feeds all of the microbes which are all part of sequestering carbon in the soil. Tending the pastures is as much of an art as tending the animals.
And it shows in our meat products. A lovely, mild fresh flavor. Our target hanging weights range from 50-60 lbs. We sell half or whole lamb shares or you can buy individual cuts to suit your needs.
All of our lamb cuts, sausage (and more!) are purchasable through this link for in-store pickup.
You can find our lamb cuts to enjoy:
- At our Henny Penny farm store
- Pound Ridge Organics, Pound Ridge, NY
Our lamb cuts are served at these fine local Connecticut restaurants:
- Bailey’s Backyard, Ridgefield
- Farmer’s Table, New Canaan
- Redding Roadhouse, Redding
- Sucre Sale, Ridgefield
- Taproot, Bethel
Some of Our Favorites Lamb Dishes!